Update Anycast IP on an Existing Tenant Network

You can add or delete an anycast IP (both IPv4 and IPv6) on an existing tenant network.

About this task

Follow this procedure to add or delete anycast IPv4 and anycast IPv6 to or from an existing L3 EPG tenant network.
  • You can provide IPv6 ND attributes (ipv6 nd mtu, ipv6 nd prefix, ipv6 nd m or o flags) along with anycast-ipv6 when you add an anycast IP.
  • You can provide only one anycast-ipv4 and one anycast-ipv6 per tenant network even though SLX supports multiple anycast IPv4 or IPv6 per VE.
Typical usage of the API integration is as follows:
  1. EPG create with a ctag.
  2. EPG update port-group-add with endpoints (po or phy).
  3. EPG update vrf-add with anycast-ipv4.
  4. EPG update anycast-ip-add with anycast-ipv6.


  1. To add an anycast IP when you update a tenant EPG network, run the following command:
    efa tenant epg update --name <epg-name> --tenant <tenant-name> 
            --operation <anycast-ip-add | anycast-ip-delete> 
            --anycast-ip <ctag:anycast-ipv4> --anycast-ipv6 <ctag:anycast-ipv6>

    The following example configures an anycast IP:

    efa tenant epg show --detail
    Name          : ten1epg1
    Tenant        : vlanTen1
    Description   :
    Type          : extension
    Ports         :[0/1]
    POs           :
    Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
                  : native-vlan-tagging : false
    NW Policy     : ctag-range          : 11
                  : vrf                 : ten1vrf1
                  : l3-vni              : 8188
    Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
    |Ctag|L2-Vni|Anycast-IPv4|Anycast| BD   | Local IP             |  Ctag-       | Mtu-   | Managed       | Other         |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
    |    |      |            |-IPv6  | -name| (Device-IP->Local-IP)|  Description | IPv6-ND| Config-IPv6-ND| Config-IPv6-ND|             |             |
    | 11 | 11   ||       |      |                      | Tenant L3    |        | False         | False         | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
    |    |      |            |       |      |                      | Extended VLAN|        |               |               |             |             |
    efa tenant epg update --name ten1epg1 --tenant vlanTen1 --operation anycast-ip-add --anycast-ipv6 11:10::1/123
    efa tenant epg show --detail
    Name          : ten1epg1
    Tenant        : vlanTen1
    Description   :
    Type          : extension
    Ports         :[0/1]
    POs           :
    Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
                  : native-vlan-tagging : false
    NW Policy     : ctag-range          : 11
                  : vrf                 : ten1vrf1
                  : l3-vni              : 8188
    Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
    | Ctag | L2-Vni | Anycast-IPv4 | Anycast-IPv6 | BD-name | Local IP (Device-IP->Local-IP) |    Ctag-Description     | Mtu-IPv6-ND | ManagedConfig-IPv6-ND | OtherConfig-IPv6-ND |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
    | 11   | 11     | | 10::1/123    |         |                                | Tenant L3 Extended VLAN |             | False                 | False               | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
  2. To delete an anycast IP on an existing EPG tenant network, run the following command:
    efa tenant epg update --name ten1epg1 --tenant vlanTen1 --operation anycast-ip-delete --anycast-ipv6 11:10::1/123
    efa tenant epg show
    Name          : ten1epg1
    Tenant        : vlanTen1
    Description   :
    Type          : extension
    Ports         :[0/1]
    POs           :
    Port Property : switchport mode     : trunk
                  : native-vlan-tagging : false
    NW Policy     : ctag-range          : 11
                  : vrf                 : ten1vrf1
                  : l3-vni              : 8188
    Network Property [Flags : * - Native Vlan]
    | Ctag | L2-Vni | Anycast-IPv4 | Anycast-IPv6 | BD-name | Local IP (Device-IP->Local-IP) | Mtu-IPv6-ND | ManagedConfig-IPv6-ND | OtherConfig-IPv6-ND |  Dev-state  |  App-state  |
    | 11   | 11     | |              |         |                                |             | False                 | False               | provisioned | cfg-in-sync |
    For 'unstable' entities, run 'efa tenant po/vrf show' for details